The Latest on the new Village at Gray’s Crossing Development

The Village at Gray’s Crossing community has really begun to come to life over these last few months. You can start to see the layout for where the 24 brand new luxury townhomes will soon stand, amongst the pine trees and nestled along the Gray’s Crossing golf course. As it currently stands, 7 townhomes already have reservations, leaving just 10 golf course and 7 village-side homes available. All 3 floor [...]

The Latest on the new Village at Gray’s Crossing Development

June, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update

Greetings; May, 2020 provided perhaps the only 30-day reflection of the impact that quarantine had on our market. And, given the typical lag, the data collected over this period is already irrelevant in the wake of a surging market. In most cases, closings prior to May reflected market conditions when deals were consummated prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. As such, data for March and April generally reflected the robust market [...]

June, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update

Golf Carts Now Allowed for Use at Gray’s Crossing

UPDATE: CARTS ALLOWED Individual Carts Available for Opening Day Gray's Crossing (May 22) Based on the State of California guidelines and PGA of America best practices, we are pleased to announce that golf cart and push cart usage will be available for guests at both of our Tahoe Mountain Club courses for opening day! The following updates have been made to our guidelines: YES! Carts will be allowed for [...]

Golf Carts Now Allowed for Use at Gray’s Crossing

May, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update

Greetings; April provided the first glimpses of the impact that coronavirus is having on the Tahoe-Truckee real estate market. Absent ski lifts turning for spring break crowds and any allowable tourist activity, the market slowed markedly yet showed very little sign of distress that could lead to meaningful price erosion. An objective view of the year-to-date performance of Tahoe-Truckee real estate, without any context for the moment, would reveal data [...]

May, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update

Gray’s Crossing Golf Course to Open | May 22nd

Tahoe Mountain Club is excited to confirm that the latest Nevada County Stay-at-Home guidelines released on April 27, 2020 have allowed golf course operations to resume and we are thrilled to prepare our courses to open for the 2020 season! Both of our Tahoe Mountain Club courses are in fantastic shape already, far advanced of what we usually see this time of year.  Scheduled opening dates are May 15th for Old Greenwood Golf [...]

Gray’s Crossing Golf Course to Open | May 22nd

April, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update

Real estate data for the month of March gives a false sense of productivity within our market. Closed sales reflect transactions agreed to 30-60 days prior. As such, March sales data give us an almost perfect snapshot of market conditions before the world changed in an instant. The month saw an identical number of transactions as the prior 30-day period and was a full 22% ahead of the same month [...]

April, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update

March, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update

Greetings, Nominally, the Tahoe-Truckee real estate market posted another strong month in February. Total sales units equaled the prior year exactly though sales were generally focused on modestly priced inventory. Closed transactions generally follow 30-60 days from contract thus are a lagging indicator of overall market conditions. The volatility of equity markets in recent weeks have created a level of uncertainty that may have ripple effects in the months to [...]

March, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update

Tahoe Truckee Market Update, February 13th, 2020

Greetings - The sun is shining and and the spring like corn skiing is as fun as it gets.  It was nice to get a little fresh air and enjoy some backcountry skiing under crisp blue skies with great views of the Lake.  My kids have also enjoyed getting out of school early every Friday to end the day on the slopes with their weekly ski program.  Skiing is such a fun family experience to enjoy each [...]

Tahoe Truckee Market Update, February 13th, 2020

February, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update

Greetings; Tahoe Truckee real estate opened the decade with a strong performance through January. 94 residential transactions exactly equals the average of the last three years’ opening month while an average price just over $1,000,000 has set the tone for another productive year to come. Q1 is often the softest period for closings in our region. A strong January, typically reflective of early season buying activity, is less dependent upon [...]

February, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update

January 16th, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update

Greetings - I hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful holiday season!  With each year that passes, I am reminded of how grateful I am for the memories created with family and friends.  I realize how finite the magical window of time with my boys at home, thinking mom and dad are cool and wanting to hang out with us is.  With that, I am always seeking out [...]

January 16th, 2020 Tahoe-Truckee Market Update
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