Opening Day: May 17th, 2024

Tee Time Booking Window: Members – 45 Days  |  Public – 30 Days  | Public Passholders – 7 Days

Dynamic Pricing: Rates change based on demand. Book early to save. For the best price, book a Two-Course Package.
Public Rate Two-Course Package   |   NCGA Rate Two-Course Package

Cart Path Only: May 17 – Early June

Cancelation Policy: A minimum of 48 hours’ notice is required to cancel a tee time without being penalized. Tee times canceled within 48 hours of tee-off will be treated as no-shows and the rounds will be charged in full. This amount will be charged to the account on file, or the credit card provided at booking. Out of respect for other golfers who are looking to play and to avoid no-show fees, please cancel tee times or remove players from your tee time prior to 48 hours before tee-off.

Single and Twosome Policy: With your best interest in mind, we reserve the right to slide singles and twosomes ten minutes based on the flow of the tee sheet.