
After enjoying the excitement of Master’s weekend, I have officially waxed the skis and stored them in the garage – except for one pair… I still have dreams of the incredible corn snow to come on the iconic volcano of Mt. Shasta. Every year I make the pilgrimage to ski the 14,000’ plus peak with friends and colleagues. With proper timing and over 7,000 feet of relief, this is usually one of the best ski decents you can find anywhere on the planet. For a mountain guy, this is one of the closest sensations to surfing I will ever find. Look for photos and more to come in the next few weeks when I look for the perfect weather window to head north.

Two Mountains, One Gondola – The golf clubs are dusted off and the mountain bike is tuned, but with skiing still lingering on my mind this leads me to some very exciting news with Two Mountains and One Gondola. Squaw Valley and longtime local and White Wolf owner Troy Caldwell have announced an agreement to connect Squaw Valley/Alpine Meadows via a high-speed detachable gondola. This is great news for the entire community throughout Truckee/Tahoe. As we all know the “rising tide” raises all boats and with KSL Capital Partners at Squaw/Alpine and Vail Resorts at Northstar CA, the region seems to be in great form for economic growth over the years to come. Here is the news release from Moonshine Ink: http: